
Welcome to your sounding-board, non-executive director, business coach - whatever term you prefer.

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What is it?

Welcome to your sounding-board, non-executive director, business coach - whatever term you prefer.

With BroadView, we attend your Board meetings in whatever capacity you wish. From setting the agenda through to taking the minutes, we bring to your company outside business experience and an objective view.

Holding regular strategic meetings is absolutely essential for any business looking to survive and prosper. But even if these meetings are held at all (and all too frequently they just don't happen), it can be a real challenge to keep them focused on what's important instead of the day-to-day nitty gritty. That's where having an 'outsider' can really pay dividends.

Why do I need it?

What's the difference between a small company and a large company? Of course there are many, but business guru David Maister points out that one of the key differences is that large companies have Board meetings.

We understand that not every business wants to be large. But '˜large' is one measure of success, and that's Maister's point. The large businesses have grown from small businesses because they went through the discipline imposed by formal Board meetings.

Scheduling time in the diary on a regular basis when all directors and other key players get together to consider the strategic direction the business is heading towards is absolutely essential. Without this regime, there will be much fire-fighting and lurching from one crisis to the next at worst; treading water at best.

Who's it for?

Being dispassionate and with wide business experience, we can bring the key benefits of a nonexecutive director at a fraction of the cost. And most businesses would benefit significantly from this outside view, particularly those that: -

  • lack a clear vision of where the business is heading;
  • have difficulty focusing the directors and management on key objectives;
  • lack an external, objective input into their decision making;
  • seem to spend time fire-fighting.

Have we convinced you?

Please get in touch via phone, email, chat or our quick contact form.

We offer FREE initial consultations, simply contact us to find out more.